Freedom of Information

Reference Number
Request Details
  1. Is there a pathway in place for endometriosis?
    a. If so, please provide the date of inception for the guideline(s) and the date of any subsequent update?
    b. The name, title and other role designation(s) of the clinical lead for the guideline(s), and any URL to where the guideline(s) can be viewed on your website?
  2. Does your Trust treat endometriosis patients or refer them to a specialist centre?

For questions 3 to 8 please provide for the past five financial years (ending 2022/23)

  1. If the Trust does refer, how many women were referred to a specialist centre?
  2. How many women were treated for endometriosis in your Trust?
  3. How many women that attended A&E were subsequently diagnosed with endometriosis?
  4. How many of these women were admitted overnight?
  5. How many women diagnosed with endometriosis have attended A&E?
  6. How many women that were diagnosed were given a prescription for Dienogest?
  7. How many women are waiting for endometriosis surgery and what is the average waiting time (as at date of request 28/06)?
  • rf23-391-response.pdf
  • Date of Disclosure