Freedom of Information

Clinical Incident Data by Clinician Grade
Reference Number
Request Details

For the period of the last five years.

Please note, here “clinical incident” is defined as “An event that causes a loss, injury or a near miss to a patient, staff or others.”

  1. The total number of medical doctors employed at your institution, broken down by professional grade (e.g., FY1, FY2, CT1, CT2, SpR, Associate Specialist, Consultant). If you cannot provide this break down, please provide the total for doctors of all grades.

  2. The total number of clinical incidents reported involving medical doctors, categorized by each professional grade. If you cannot provide this break down, please provide the total for doctors of all grades.

  3. The number of Physician Associates (PAs) employed, and the number of clinical incidents reported involving PAs within the specified time frame.

  4. The number of Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACPs) and/or Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs) employed, as well as the number of clinical incidents reported involving each of these roles.

  5. The breakdown of reported clinical incidents resulting in no harm, low harm, moderate harm, severe harm, and death for each clinician category mentioned above.

  • rf23-747-response.pdf
  • Date of Disclosure