Freedom of Information

Spend on liquid unlicensed medication
Reference Number
Request Details
  1. What is the total value of spend by your NHS Trust on unlicensed medication (i.e. Special Order, Drug Tariff Special Order, Part VIIID Drug Tariff Special Order) that have a BNF liquid formulation (e.g. liquid, solution, suspension)? Please provide this information on a volume and value basis for the following years
  2. Do you outsource the manufacturing of liquid unlicensed products?
  3. If no to question 3 (use of outsourcing providers), what proportion of the products that you manufacture in-house are aseptically compounded rather than terminally sterilised?
  4. If yes to question 3 (use of outsourcing providers), what is the total value of spend by provider? Please provide this information for the following years
  • rf23-750-response.pdf
  • Date of Disclosure