Freedom of Information

E-Scooter Accidents (2022)
Reference Number
Request Details

1i. How many people were treated for injuries relating to e-scooters at your hospitals’ A&E departments in each of the following years:

a. 2020

b. 2021

c. 2022 (up to and including 31 August)

1ii. In each of the following years, how many of the people treated for injuries relating to e-scooters had consumed alcohol:

a. 2020

b. 2021

c. 2022 (up to and including 31 August)

2i. How many people were treated for injuries relating to cycling at your hospitals’ A&E departments in each of the following years:

a. 2020

b. 2021

c. 2022 (up to and including 31 August)

2ii. In each of the following years, how many of the people treated for injuries relating to cycling had consumed alcohol:

a. 2020

b. 2021

c. 2022 (up to and including 31 August)

3i. How many people were treated for injuries relating to motorbikes at your hospitals’ A&E departments in each of the following years:

a. 2020

b. 2021

c. 2022 (up to and including 31 August)

3ii. In each of the following years, how many of the people treated for injuries relating to motorbikes had consumed alcohol:

a. 2020

b. 2021

c. 2022 (up to and including 31 August)

4. How many people were treated for head injuries relating to e-scooters at your hospitals’ A&E departments in each of the following years:

a. 2020

b. 2021

c. 2022 (up to and including 31 August)

5. How many people were treated for head injuries relating to cycling at your hospital’s A&E department in each of the following years:

a. 2020

b. 2021

c. 2022 (up to and including 31 August)

  • rf22-500-response.pdf
  • Date of Disclosure