Freedom of Information

Various IT Systems GK
Reference Number
Request Details

Please provide information regarding the following systems:

  1.  Document Management
  2.  ePOA
  3.  EPR: 
  4.  Finance
  5.  Finance BI and analytics system
  6.  HR
  7.  Maternity 
  8.  Pathology PACS 
  9.  Payroll
  10. Population health management
  11. Procurement Software
  12. Voice recognition

Please enter 'No System Installed' or ‘No Department’ under supplier name if your trust does not use the system or have the department:
a) System type –
b) Supplier name -
c) System name -
d) Date installed -
e) Contract expiration -
f) Is this contract annually renewed? - Yes/No
g) Do you currently have plans to replace this system? - Yes/No
h) Procurement framework -
i) Other systems it integrates with? –
j) Total value of contract (£) –
k) Notes - e.g. we are currently out to tender

Please provide your answer in the above format for each system.

System definitions:
Document Management: Converts records into electronic format so that they can be viewed, moved around, and managed electronically on screen. Acts as a live filing system.

ePOA: ePOA, short for Electronic Pre-Operative Assessment, is a digital tool that streamlines the pre-surgery assessment process, replacing traditionally paper-based administrative tasks with electronic data collection for efficiency. Some suppliers include, AireLogic, Definition Health, OpenMedical.

EPR: An electronic patient/health record is an electronic record of periodic health care of a single individual, provided mainly by one institution. A digital version of a patient's paper chart.

Finance: This is a financial management and accounting solution used alongside HR software. Suppliers here include Unit4.

Finance BI and analytics system: Tools used for transforming and analysing financial and related data sets.

Maternity: It is the specialist maternity system in use for maternity care.

Pathology PACS: Software for digital storage and management of pathology images, like tissue samples and slides, to aid healthcare analysis and to enhance efficiency and accuracy of pathological examinations.

Population health management: Population health management platforms cover the set of IT capabilities and related services that enable provider organizations to manage populations of patients and achieve the specific quality, cost and experience goals.

Procurement Software: Procurement software is a business software that allows enterprises to automate their entire source-to-pay cycle. Right from analysing and managing spends to contract management and making invoice payments.

Voice recognition: Identifies and translates spoken words into text. Used to complete tasks or transcribe documents.

  • rf23-543-response.pdf
  • Date of Disclosure